Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thing 15: Library 2.0

I read through most of the perspectives, well, I skimmed the last few. Having worked in the technology field for 9 years before coming to the library, I have to say that many of their perspectives are "in an ideal world."

I do believe that the technology is advancing at a faster pace than previously, but to say that there will be a complete revolution in libraries in the next 5-10 years is a bit far-fetched. I understand the need to progress with technology and to cater to all types of users and their needs as technology and society progresses. However, I believe that there will never be a point when books are simply not needed and completely replaced by "technology." When the library will become completely virtual as the library is a meeting place, a place for exploration and a place for interaction.

Thing 14: Technorati

I've been browsing through the site and checking out the different sections (i.e. Top Blogs, Top Favorited Blogs, etc.) I also did a search for Westies to see if there were any other crazy West Highland White Terrier owners. I ran across a few blogs referring to Westies, but no crazy owners. I think I might have to dig a little deeper to find them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thing 12: Rollyo

I created a Rollyo Search called "Roadchix." My friend and I travel and post our journeys online: www.roadchix.com. Extensive research goes into this and creating a Rollyo would definitely be helpful in eliminating more of the "salesy" pitches when we're looking for specific state information.

My only complaint is that sometimes a gem is hidden in the rough of the sales.

You can find my Rollyo here.

Thing 9: Useful Library Blog

Technorati helped me to find "The Blogging Librarian" who has quite a bit of interesting information on technology for library personnel.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Thing 6: Flickr Mash-up

Check out my trading card: My creation

Thing 4: Registering Your Blog

Check, check blog is registered.

Thing 3: Setting-Up a Blog

I see that I was supposed to comment on setting-up a blog. Since this is my third blog, I guess I can say "Piece of Cake!"

Friday, July 6, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Thing 10: Sketch Generator

I played around with a generator called 'Sketch Generator" and was able to make this adorable picture of my dog Holly.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Thing 5 & 7: Lovin' Flickr

I've had a Flickr account for nearly two years now and another one for a year. I can unequivably say that I love Flickr. I have a personal web site of my roadtrip journeys with my friend from college and Flickr allows us to easily post, maintain and share our photos with the everyone on the web.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thing 2: Lifelong Learning

I suppose "Viewing Problems as Challenges" is one of the most difficult habits for me to master in my progress as a Lifelong Learner. I enjoy working at challenges, when I know the outcome. An uncertain outcome is often a difficult hurdle to jump.

I think it's not so much not knowing what the outcome will be as much as not knowing whether the outcome will be a positive, negative or a "waste of time." However, each of these can be beneficial in their own right. In some situations more can be learned from a negative outcome and its consequences. And sometimes what seems at that particular moment "a waste of time" later turns out to be a stepping stone for another challenge.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thing 1: Observations from the Circ Desk

Things are quiet here at the Circ desk, but I suppose you have to actually open the gates and let people in for it not to be quiet.